Sunday, April 18, 2010

I hate busy servers

I just tried to do GRB (guild Ranking Battle) on shaiya and it did not work at all!! every one was on today so I was lagging, and factoring in my satilite internet, I had to get off. And the bad part is once you leave you cant do it again. grrrr!! I hate my internet and those damn busy servers!!!!! Michael got mad at me for a while, (of course) but he got over it.

well, im off to try again for a different guild!

Live journal

im moving to

i will still post on here, but that will be my main one
check it out

Anti war slideshow

Watch it. I demand you!!! lol. but really please watch it! and comment on it to tell me what you think!!!! I'll post the link and post the actual vid on here. I hate doing slideshow, i like real videos better, but this one came out ok i think. XD

Thursday, April 15, 2010

what went wrong

'What went wrong?' she thought as she lay, bleeding. She was the one girl that was supposed to have everything..the 'perfect' life. she then remembers a guy she dated years ago. she dated him for a couple of months, then dumped him when she found something she thought was better.'that guy was too normal' she said to her friends when she dumped him. after that he asked for her back time and time again, but she broke his heart.

he later jumped off of a bridge. she told herdelf he was a sick man and it had nothing to do with her, and went on her way. she kept hoping boyfriends,trying to find the 'perfect' one to marry, until she got mixed up with the wrong one. he was a meth addict and wouldn't let anything get in his way. 'heh, normal' she thought to herself,'I would give anything to have him back.'

she looked up at the smirking man ubove her through tearful eyes. Then she dragged out all the energy she had, and in one bust, grabbed the knife out of her chest and drove it into his stomach. she smiled as he gasped in pain,gripping the knife' and fell, dead. she sighed in content and closed her eyes.she whispered her last thoughts to the man she past up into the night. 'I hope we meet in the next life'

her blood ran cold.

some random pictures

Michael and Olivia before he left


Michael In the Gunners hatch


in the hatch again with full battle uniform on


the thing he rides in, its HUGE! The gunners hatch on this thing is big too



why is it that every time i write, its because Michae'ls a douche? well, we fought about money today...again. he spent 90 bucks on that stupid shaiya game!! I like the game and all but come on! we're supposed to be getting a house when he gets back. I don't know anymore, he went off again, called me a bunch of shit, and hung up on me. and i went to a funeral today! my great grandfather died, but he doesn't care. now i cant sleep. since hes been gone, i cant sleep without him on the phone. you know,this respect thing in our marriage seems to be a one way street. he insults me all the time. I'm getting tired of it.

well in other news, I have a WIC appointment tomorrow at 8AM (uggh i know too early) and im sick as hell. my eyes are watering like a waterfall, and my nose is so stuffy, its making my eyes hurt. well, i better stop venting and get some sleep night.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yup an ass

Michael is an ass, plain and simple. Well screw him. he just hung up on me, and he gets pissed if I do that to him, and threatens not to call me for days. Well, I'll do the same thing. Im really getting tired of his attitude. But whatever.

talking to michael

im talking to michael right now. he's saying he got shot at, but im not sure I believe him. If he did, Im going to think that makes him even more idiotic, because he joined, but whatever.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


yup, ok i just made this thing. I dont know whether ill keep it up, but we'll see (=